Amiga Plus 1995 #3 & #4
Amiga Plus CD - 1995 - No. 3 and 4.iso
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Text File
980 lines
; This is the installation script (V1.6.9) for D.A.S.ModulePlayer V3.5a
; Default language: English
; Locales provided:
; Suomi (Finland).
; Français (France)
; Deutsch (Germany)
; Norsk (Norway)
; Svenska (Swedish)
; Nederlands No install translation
(set daseplibsource "/EPL")
(set dasextarcsource "/ENV/dasmp.extarc")
(set dasauthorsource "/ENV/dasmp.author")
(set arexxsource "/rexx")
(set catalogdir "/Locale/Catalogs/")
(set old_level @user_level)
; Default English strings
(set default_lang 1)
(set #copying-eplib "Copying External Player Libraries... ")
(set #copying-exes "Copying Executables and guide files... ")
(set #copying-arexx "Copying example arexx scripts...")
(set #moving-env "Moving Environment to new place...")
(set #exists-extarc
(cat "dasmp.extarc was already found from your ENV: drawer "
"Would you like to overwrite it? This may destroy "
"previous settings you may have done for external archivers. "))
(set #exists-author
(cat "dasmp.author was already found from your ENV: drawer "
"Would you like to overwrite it? This will destroy "
"previous settings you may have done for your author listing. "))
(set #copy-magicwb
(cat "Would you like to have neat 8-color MAGIC WB "
"icons copied instead of those dull 4 color ones? "))
(set #scandir-do
(cat "Would you like to select a directory which will "
"be scanned and files in it added to the module "
"list everytime you run D.A.S.MP? "
"Line will be added to the tooltypes. "))
(set #blaahlastwords
(cat "Congratulations! You have succesfully installed "
"D.A.S.ModulePlayer. Please read the documents. "
"Guide contains lot of usefull information about "
"inner workings of DASMP and those little things "
"which make your module handling easier."))
(set #copy-020libs
(cat "Do you want to copy 68020++ specific libraries? "
"You will need MC68020 or better for these to work. "))
(set #selectexamples
(cat "Select what parts to install. These will "
"override old lists/scripts. "))
(set #maindirectory
(cat "Please select directory to install D.A.S.MP into. "
"Directory is not created automatically. "))
(set #maindirhelp
(cat "You must select a directory into which D.A.S.ModulePlayer "
"will be installed. There should be around 800 KB space "
"available for full software installation. Directory is "
"not created by the script. "))
(set #scandtoolt
(cat "Setting scandir tooltype"))
(set #selscandir
(cat "Please select directory to scan. "))
(set #selarexxdir
(cat "Please select directory where to install example "
"arexx scripts. "))
(set #sel020libs
(cat "Select the 020 optimized libraries to install."))
(set #selepls
(cat "Which EPLs you want to install?"))
(set #seldocdir
(cat "Please select directory to copy DOCUMENTS into. "
"Documents include: Dasmp.guide, Dasmp.guide.info. "))
(set #docdirhelp
(cat "Dasmp.guide file will be copied to this destination "))
(set #which-language
(cat "\nWhich languages should be installed?"))
; Suomi strings
; Translated by: Pauli Porkka (Oikeinkirjoitusvirheistä voi valittaa)
(if (= @language "suomi")
(set default_lang 2)
(set #copying-eplib "Kopioimassa soittokirjastoja... ")
(set #copying-exes "Kopioimassa ohjelma- ja tekstitiedostoja... ")
(set #copying-arexx "Kopioimassa esimerkki arexx tiedostoja...")
(set #moving-env "Siirtämässä ympäristötietoja...")
(set #exists-extarc
(cat "dasmp.extarc tiedosto on jo ennestään ENV: hakemistossa. "
"Korvataanko se? Korvaaminen tuhoaa mahdolliset muutokset "
" joita olet tehnyt tähän tiedostoon. "))
(set #exists-author
(cat "dasmp.author tiedosto on jo ennestään ENV: hakemistossa. "
"Korvataanko se? Korvaaminen tuhoaa mahdolliset muutokset "
"joita olet tehnyt tekijälista tiedostoon. "))
(set #copy-magicwb
(cat "Haluatko kopioida 8-väriset MagicWB ikonit "
"normaalien 4-väristen sijaan?"))
(set #scandir-do
(cat "Haluatko valita hakemiston joka käydään läpi "
"joka kerta DASMP:tä käynnistettäessä ja siinä "
"olevat tiedostot ladataan moduli listaan? "
"Rivi lisätään ikonin tooltype tietoihin."))
(set #blaahlastwords
(cat "Onneksi olkoon! Olet asentanut D.A.S.ModulePlayer "
"ohjelman. Ole hyvä ja lue dokumentit, ne sisältävät "
"paljon hyödyllistä tietoa DASMP:n toiminnasta, "
"lisäksi sieltä löytyy pieniä vihjeitä toiminnan "
"helpottamiseksi. "))
(set #copy-020libs
(cat "Haluatko kopioida 68020++ prosessoreille optimoidut "
"soittokirjastot?. Sinulla tarvitsee olla 68020 "
"prosessori tai parempi. "))
(set #selectexamples
(cat "Valitse osat jotka haluat kopioida. Nämä kirjoitetaan "
"aikaisempien tiedostojen päälle. "))
(set #maindirectory
(cat "Valitse hakemisto johon D.A.S.MP asennetaan. "
"Scripti ei luo hakemistoa. "))
(set #maindirhelp
(cat "Valitse hakemisto johon D.A.S.MP:n tiedostot "
"kopioidaan. Vähintään 800 kilotavua tilaa tarvitaan "
"täydelliseen asennukseen. Tämä scripti ei luo hakemistoa, "
"joten jos haluat oman hakemiston D.A.S.MP:lle, luo se. "))
(set #scandtoolt
(cat "SCANDIR tooltypeä asennetaan.."))
(set #selscandir
(cat "Valitse läpikäytävä hakemisto. "))
(set #selarexxdir
(cat "Valitse hakemisto johon esimerkki arexx tiedostot "
"asennetaan. "))
(set #sel020libs
(cat "Valitse mitkä 020 optimoidut kirjastot asennetaan."))
(set #selepls
(cat "Mitkä soittokirjastot asennetaan?"))
(set #seldocdir
(cat "Valitse hakemisto johon tekstitiedostot asennetaan. "))
(set #docdirhelp
(cat "dasmp.guide tiedosto asennetaan tähän hakemistoon. "))
(set #which-language
(cat "\nMinkä kieliset tiedostot asennetaan?"))
)) ; end if language statement
;French strings
; Translated by: Philippe Brand
(if (= @language "français")
(set default_lang 4)
(set #copying-eplib "Copie des Librairies Players Externes... ")
(set #copying-exes "Copyie des Executables et des fichiers guide... ")
(set #copying-arexx "Copie des scripts d'exemple arexx...")
(set #moving-env "Déplacement de l'environnemen...")
(set #exists-extarc
(cat "dasmp.extarc est déja présent dans votre répertoire ENV: "
"Voulez-vous l'écraser? Cela pourrait effacer vos paramètres "
"précédents que vous auriez pu positionner pour les archiveurs externes. "))
(set #exists-author
(cat "dasmp.author est déja présent dans votre répertoire ENV: "
"Voulez-vous l'écraser? Cela pourrait effacer vos paramètres "
"précédents que vous auriez pu positionner pour la liste des auteurs. "))
(set #copy-magicwb
(cat "Préférez-vous que les icônes en 8 couleurs style MAGIC WB "
"soient copiés au lieu des icônes en 4 couleurs? "))
(set #scandir-do
(cat "Désirez-vous séléctionner un répertoire qui sera contrôlé "
"à chaque lancement de D.A.S.MP? "))
(set #blaahlastwords
(cat "Maintenant que vous avez installé D.A.S.MP: "
"Si vous désirez reproduire des modules autres que les PT/NT "
"Vous devrez ajouter des entrées EPL à la liste des Players "
"Externes dans l'option de Configuration, page 5. "
"Lisez le manuel pour plus d'information. "))
(set #copy-020libs
(cat "Désirez-vous copier les librairies spécifiques 68020++? "
"Vous avec besoin d'un MC68020 au minimum pour qu'elles fonctionnent. "))
(set #selectexamples
(cat "Sélectionnez les fichiers à installer. Ils remplaceront "
"les anciens scripts/listes. "))
(set #maindirectory
(cat "Veuillez sélectionner le répertoire dans lequel installer D.A.S.MP. "
"Ce répertoire n'est pas automatiquement créé. "))
(set #maindirhelp
(cat "Vous devez sélectionner un répertoire dans lequel D.A.S.ModulePlayer "
"sera installé. Il doit y avoir aux alentour de 800Ko d'espace libre "
"pour une installation complète. Le répertoire n'est pas créé par "
"le script. "))
(set #scandtoolt
(cat "Tooltype scandir positionné"))
(set #selscandir
(cat "Veuillez sélectionner un répertoire à parcourir. "))
(set #selarexxdir
(cat "Veuillez sélectionner le répertoire où les exemples de scripts arexx "
"seront copiés. "))
(set #sel020libs
(cat "Sélectionnez les librairies optimisées 020 à installer."))
(set #selepls
(cat "Quels EPLs voulez-vous installer??"))
(set #seldocdir
(cat "Veuillez sélectionner le répertoire où placer les DOCUMENTS. "
"Les documents incluent: Dasmp.guide, Dasmp.guide.info. "))
(set #docdirhelp
(cat "Le fichier Dasmp.guide sera copié à cette destination "))
(set #which-language
(cat "\nQuels languages voulez-vous installer??"))
; German Strings
; Translated by: Michael Mutschler
(if (= @language "deutsch")
(set default_lang 8)
(set #copying-eplib "Kopiere Externe Player Libraries... ")
(set #copying-exes "Kopiere Executables und guide files... ")
(set #copying-arexx "Kopiere Beispiel Arexx Scripte...")
(set #moving-env "Schiebe die Umgebung an einen neuen Platz...")
(set #exists-extarc
(cat "dasmp.extarc wurde schon in Ihrem ENV:-Verzeichnis "
"gefunden. Wollen Sie die Datei überschreiben? Dies könnte "
"Ihre vorhergehenden Einstellungen löschen, die Sie "
"für die externen Archive angelegt haben. "))
(set #exists-author
(cat "dasmp.author wurde schon in Ihrem ENV:-Verzeichnis "
"gefunden. Wollen Sie die Datei überschreiben? Dies könnte "
"Ihre vorhergehenden Einstellungen löschen, die Sie "
"für die Autoren-Liste angelegt haben. "))
(set #copy-magicwb
(cat "Wollen Sie lieber 8-Farben Magic WB-icons haben, "
"statt dieser langweiligen 4-farbigen? "))
(set #scandir-do
(cat "Wollen Sie ein Verzeichnis wählen, das bei jedem "
"Start von D.A.S.MP nach neuen Modulen durchsucht "
"wird? "
"Eine Zeile wird an die Tooltypes angehängt. "))
(set #blaahlastwords
(cat "Herzlichen Gückwunsch! Sie haben D.A.S.Moduleplayer "
"erfolgreich installiert. Lesen Sie nun bitte die "
"Anleitungen. Das Guide enbthält viele nützliche "
"Informationen über die Arbeitweise von DASMP, und "
"viele kleine Sachen, die die Bedienung einfacher "
(set #copy-020libs
(cat "Wollen Sie die speziellen 68020+ Libraries "
"installieren? "
"Sie brauchen einen MC68020 oder besser, damit "
"diese Libraries funktionieren. "))
(set #selectexamples
(cat "Wählen Sie die Programmteile die Sie installieren"
"wollen. Diese werden alte Listen/Scripte überschreiben."))
(set #maindirectory
(cat "Bitte wählen Sie das Directory in das D.A.S.MP"
"installiert werden soll. Dieses Directory wird nicht"
"automatisch angelegt. "))
(set #maindirhelp
(cat "Sie müssen ein Verzeichnis angeben, in das"
"D.A.S.ModulePlayer installiert werden soll. Es sollten"
"ungefähr 800KB Platz sein, um eine vollständige"
"Installation durchzuführen. Das Directory wird von"
"diesem Script nicht angelegt, "))
(set #scandtoolt
(cat "Setze scandir Tooltype"))
(set #selscandir
(cat "Bitte wählen Sie ein Verzeichnis zum Durchsuchen. "))
(set #selarexxdir
(cat "Bitte wählen Sie ein Verzeichnis, wo die Arexx"
"Scripte installiert werden sollen. "))
(set #sel020libs
(cat "Wählen Sie die optimierten 020 Libraries, die"
"installiert werden sollen. "))
(set #selepls
(cat "Welche EPLs wollen Sie installieren?"))
(set #seldocdir
(cat "Bitte wählen Sie ein Verzeichnis, in das die "
"Dokumentation kopiert werden soll."))
(set #docdirhelp
(cat "Dasmp.guide file wird dorthin kopiert. "))
(set #which-language
(cat "\nWelche Sprache soll installiert werden?"))
; Norsk Strings
; Translated by: Øyvind Falch
(if (= @language "norsk")
(set default_lang 16)
(set #copying-eplib "Kopierer Eksterne Player Libraries... ")
(set #copying-exes "Kopierer Kjørbare og guide filer... ")
(set #copying-arexx "Kopierer arexx eksempler...")
(set #moving-env "Flytter Oppsett til et nytt sted...")
(set #exists-extarc
(cat "dasmp.extarc er allerede funnet i din ENV: katalog "
"Vil du skrive over denne? Dette vil slette ditt "
"allerede eksisterende oppsett som du har satt for eksterne pakkere. "))
(set #exists-author
(cat "dasmp.author er allerede funnet i din ENV: katalog "
"Vil du skrive over denne? Dette vil slette ditt "
"allerede eksisterende oppsett som du har satt for kompositør liste. "))
(set #copy-magicwb
(cat "Vil du ha 8-farges fine MAGIC WB ikoner "
"kopiert istede for de kjedelige 4 farges ikonene? "))
(set #scandir-do
(cat "Vil du velge katalog som vil bli sjekket for "
"moduler og lagt til i listen hver gang du starter "
"D.A.S.MP? "
"Kommandoen blir lagt inn i tooltypes. "))
(set #blaahlastwords
(cat "Gratulerer! Du har klart å installere "
"D.A.S.ModulePlayer. Vennligst les dokumentasjonene. "
"Guide inneholder en god del brukbar informasjon om "
"hvordan man benytter DASMP og de små ting som "
"gjør module håndtering enklere."))
(set #copy-020libs
(cat "Vil du kopiere 68020++ libraries? "
"Du må da ha en MC68020 eller bedre for at dette skal fungere. "))
(set #selectexamples
(cat "Velg hvilke deler du vil installere. Disse vil "
"overskrive dine gamle lister/scripts. "))
(set #maindirectory
(cat "Vennligst velg katalog for installasjon av D.A.S.MP. "
"Katalog vil ikke bli laget automatisk. "))
(set #maindirhelp
(cat "Du må velge katalog for hvor D.A.S.ModulePlayer "
"skal bli installert. Det må være ca 800 KB ledig plass "
"for full software installasjon. Katalog blir "
"ikke laget av scriptet. "))
(set #scandtoolt
(cat "Setter scandir tooltype"))
(set #selscandir
(cat "Vennligt velg katalog for scanning. "))
(set #selarexxdir
(cat "Vennligst velg katalog for installasjon av arexx script eksempler. "))
(set #sel020libs
(cat "Velg 020 optimaliserte libraries for installasjon."))
(set #selepls
(cat "Hvilke EPLs vil du installere?"))
(set #seldocdir
(cat "Vennligst velg katalog for DOKUMENTER. "
"Dokumenter inkluderer: Dasmp.guide, Dasmp.guide.info. "))
(set #docdirhelp
(cat "Dasmp.guide filen vil bli kopiert til dette stedet. "))
(set #which-language
(cat "\nHvilke språk skal installeres?"))
; Nederlands locale. Sorry, no strings for installation.
(if (= @language "nederlands")
(set default_lang 32)
; Svensk Strings
; Translated by: Markus Sommarmyr
(if (= @language "svenska")
(set default_lang 64)
(set #copying-eplib "Kopierar Externa Spel Libraries... ")
(set #copying-exes "Kopierar Körbara och guide filer... ")
(set #copying-arexx "Kopierar arexx exempel...")
(set #moving-env "Flyttar Omgivning till ett nytt ställe...")
(set #exists-extarc
(cat "dasmp.extarc fanns redan i din ENV: katalog "
"Vill du skriva över denna? Detta kan förstöra redan "
"gjorda inställningar för Externa packare. "))
(set #exists-author
(cat "dasmp.author fanns redan i din ENV: katalog "
"Vill du skriva över denna? Detta kan förstöra redan "
"gjorda inställningar för Upphovsman lista. "))
(set #copy-magicwb
(cat "Vill du ha läckra 8-färgs MAGIC WB ikoner istället "
"för dom tråkiga 4 färgsikonerna? "))
(set #scandir-do
(cat "Vill du välja en katalog som skall sökas av efter "
"moduler och läggas till i listan varje gång du startar "
"D.A.S.MP? "
"Kommandoraden läggs till i tooltypes. "))
(set #blaahlastwords
(cat "Grattis! Du har installerat D.A.S.ModulePlayer "
"utan problem. Var vänlig läs dokumentationen. "
"Guiden innehåller viktig information om hur DASMP "
"fungerar och sånt som gör modul hanteringen enklare."))
(set #copy-020libs
(cat "Vill du kopiera 68020++ libraries? "
"Du måste ha en MC68020 eller bättre för att dessa ska fungera. "))
(set #selectexamples
(cat "Välj vilka delar som skall installeras. Dessa kommer "
"skriva över gamla listor/scripts. "))
(set #maindirectory
(cat "Var vänlig välj katalog som D.A.S.MP skall installeras i. "
"Katalog kommer inte göras automatiskt. "))
(set #maindirhelp
(cat "Du måste välja en katalog att installera D.A.S.ModulePlayer till. "
"Det går åt ca 800 KB för en komplett installation. "
"Katalog kommer inte göras automatiskt. "))
(set #scandtoolt
(cat "Ställer in scandir tooltype"))
(set #selscandir
(cat "Välj katalog för avsökning. "))
(set #selarexxdir
(cat "Var vänlig välj katalog för arexx script exempel. "))
(set #sel020libs
(cat "Välj 020 optimerade libraries för installation."))
(set #selepls
(cat "Vilka EPLs vill du installera?"))
(set #seldocdir
(cat "Var vänlig välj katalog för DOKUMENT. "
"Dokument inkluderar: Dasmp.guide, Dasmp.guide.info. "))
(set #docdirhelp
(cat "Dasmp.guide filen kommer kopieras till detta ställe. "))
(set #which-language
(cat "\nVilket språk skall installeras?"))
(set destinationd
(prompt #maindirectory)
(help #maindirhelp
(default "SYS:")
(set destinationdd
(prompt #seldocdir)
(help #docdirhelp)
(default destinationd)
(set @default-dest destinationd)
(complete 5)
(prompt "\n" #copying-exes)
(help "")
(source "/dasmodplayer")
(dest destinationd)
(complete 15)
(prompt "\n" #copying-exes)
(help "")
(source "/dasmp.guide")
(dest destinationdd)
(if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) 39)
(dest (tackon destinationdd "dasmp.guide"))
(setdefaulttool "SYS:Utilities/AmigaGuide")
(if (= (exists "l:dasmp.key") 0)
(prompt "\n" #copying-docs)
(help "")
(source "/Register.doc")
(dest destinationd)
(complete 30)
; EPL COPY ------------------------------------------------------
(set epldirri (tackon destinationd "EPL"))
(if (= (exists epldirri) 0)
(makedir (tackon destinationd "EPL"))
(set destinationld (tackon destinationd "EPL"))
(set tools
(prompt #selepls)
(help @askoptions-help)
(choices "S3M player" "MTM Player" "6-8 Channel mods" "QuadraComposer" "Future Composer" "(Octa)Med"
"PT/NT FAST ram" "Sound Mon 2.0" "MULT (7 formats)" "SID" "TFMX" "Standard PT"
"Old ST" "JamCracker")
(if (in tools 0)
(prompt "\n" #copying-eplib)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "/epl/dasS3M0.library")
(dest destinationld)
(if (in tools 1)
(prompt "\n" #copying-eplib)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "/epl/dasMTM.library")
(dest destinationld)
(if (in tools 2)
(prompt "\n" #copying-eplib)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "/epl/das68CH.library")
(dest destinationld)
(if (in tools 3)
(prompt "\n" #copying-eplib)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "/epl/dasQC20.library")
(dest destinationld)
(if (in tools 4)
(prompt "\n" #copying-eplib)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "/epl/dasFC.library")
(dest destinationld)
(if (in tools 5)
(prompt "\n" #copying-eplib)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "/epl/dasMED.library")
(dest destinationld)
(if (in tools 6)
(prompt "\n" #copying-eplib)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "/epl/dasFAST.library")
(dest destinationld)
(if (in tools 7)
(prompt "\n" #copying-eplib)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "/epl/dasSM20.library")
(dest destinationld)
(if (in tools 8)
(prompt "\n" #copying-eplib)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "/epl/dasMULT.library")
(dest destinationld)
(if (in tools 9)
(prompt "\n" #copying-eplib)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "/epl/dasSID.library")
(dest destinationld)
(if (in tools 10)
(prompt "\n" #copying-eplib)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "/epl/dasTFMX.library")
(dest destinationld)
(if (in tools 11)
(prompt "\n" #copying-eplib)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "/epl/dasPT.library")
(dest destinationld)
(if (in tools 12)
(prompt "\n" #copying-eplib)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "/epl/dasOST.library")
(dest destinationld)
(if (in tools 13)
(prompt "\n" #copying-eplib)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "/epl/dasJC.library")
(dest destinationld)
(prompt #copy-020libs)
(help "")
(default 1)
(set tools
(prompt #sel020libs)
(help @askoptions-help)
(choices "S3M player" "MTM Player" "6-8 Channel mods")
(if (in tools 0)
(prompt "\n" #copying-eplib)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "/epl/020/dasS3M0.library")
(dest destinationld)
(if (in tools 1)
(prompt "\n" #copying-eplib)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "/epl/020/dasMTM.library")
(dest destinationld)
(if (in tools 2)
(prompt "\n" #copying-eplib)
(help @copylib-help)
(source "/epl/020/das68CH.library")
(dest destinationld)
)) ; End 020 optimized library install
; Example lists --------------------------------------------------------
(if (= (exists "ENV:dasmp") 0)
(makedir "ENV:dasmp")
(makedir "ENVARC:dasmp")
(if (= (exists "ENV:dasmp.author") 1)
(prompt "\n" #moving-env)
(help " ")
(source "ENV:dasmp.author")
(dest "ENV:dasmp")
(prompt "\n" #moving-env)
(help " ")
(source "ENVARC:dasmp.author")
(dest "ENVARC:dasmp")
(delete "ENV:dasmp.author")
(delete "ENVARC:dasmp.author")
(if (= (exists "ENV:dasmp.extarc") 1)
(prompt "\n" #moving-env)
(help " ")
(source "ENV:dasmp.extarc")
(dest "ENV:dasmp")
(prompt "\n" #moving-env)
(help " ")
(source "ENVARC:dasmp.extarc")
(dest "ENVARC:dasmp")
(delete "ENV:dasmp.extarc")
(delete "ENVARC:dasmp.extarc")
(if (= (exists "ENV:dasmp.extlib") 1)
; (copyfiles
; (prompt "\n" #moving-env)
; (help " ")
; (source "ENV:dasmp.extlib")
; (dest "ENV:dasmp")
; )
; (copyfiles
; (prompt "\n" #moving-env)
; (help " ")
; (source "ENVARC:dasmp.extlib")
; (dest "ENVARC:dasmp")
; )
(delete "ENV:dasmp.extlib")
(delete "ENVARC:dasmp.extlib")
(if (= (exists "ENV:dasmp.config") 1)
(prompt "\n" #moving-env)
(help " ")
(source "ENV:dasmp.config")
(dest "ENV:dasmp")
(prompt "\n" #moving-env)
(help " ")
(source "ENVARC:dasmp.config")
(dest "ENVARC:dasmp")
(delete "ENV:dasmp.config")
(delete "ENVARC:dasmp.config")
) ; ends the exists if statement
(set tools
(prompt #selectexamples)
(help @askoptions-help)
(choices "Example: External arc list" "Example: Author list" "Example: Rexx scripts")
(if (in tools 0)
(if (= (exists "ENV:dasmp/dasmp.extarc") 1)
((if (askbool
(prompt #exists-extarc)
(help "")
(default 0))
(source dasextarcsource)
(dest "ENVARC:dasmp"))
(source dasextarcsource)
(dest "ENV:dasmp"))
))) ; if exists = 1 end
(if (= (exists "ENV:dasmp/dasmp.extarc") 0)
(source dasextarcsource)
(dest "ENVARC:dasmp"))
(source dasextarcsource)
(dest "ENV:dasmp"))
)) ; if exists = 0
)) ; "if in tools 0" end.
(if (in tools 1)
(if (= (exists "ENV:dasmp/dasmp.author") 1)
((if (askbool
(prompt #exists-author)
(help "")
(default 0))
(source dasauthorsource)
(dest "ENVARC:dasmp"))
(source dasauthorsource)
(dest "ENV:dasmp"))
))) ; if exists = 1 end
(if (= (exists "ENV:dasmp/dasmp.author") 0)
(source dasauthorsource)
(dest "ENVARC:dasmp"))
(source dasauthorsource)
(dest "ENV:dasmp"))
)) ; if exists = 0
)) ; "if in tools 1" end.
(if (in tools 2)
(set @default-rexxdest
(prompt #selarexxdir)
(help @askdir-help)
(default "rexx:")
(prompt "\n" #copying-arexx)
(help "")
(source "/rexx")
(dest @default-rexxdest)
(complete 70)
(set dasicon (tackon destinationd "dasmodplayer.info"))
(set doinfo (exists dasicon))
(if (= doinfo 0)
(prompt "\n" #copying-exes)
(help "")
(source "/DMODPAPPICON.info")
(dest destinationd)
(prompt "\n" #copying-exes)
(help "")
(source "/dasmodplayer.info")
(dest destinationd)
(prompt #copy-magicwb)
(help "")
(default 1)
(source "/MagicWB-icons")
(dest destinationd)
(complete 80)
; Copy catalog files (usefull only on v38+ machines)
(if (exists "LOCALE:")
(user 2)
(set lang
(prompt #which-language)
(help @askoptions-help)
(default default_lang)
(set n 0)
(set language
(select n
(if (IN lang n)
(if (<> 0 n)
(makedir (cat "LOCALE:Catalogs/" language))
(source (cat catalogdir language))
(dest (cat "LOCALE:Catalogs/" language))
(set n (+ n 1))
(if (exists "HELP:English")
(source "/Locale/help/English/dasmphelp.guide")
(dest "HELP:English")
(dest (tackon destinationd "dasmodplayer"))
(help @tooltype-help)
(settooltype "ONLINEHELP" "HELP:English/dasmphelp.guide")
(complete 90)
(if (askbool
(prompt #scandir-do)
(help "")
(default 0))
( ; start of if statement
(set @default-scandest
(prompt #selscandir)
(help @askdir-help)
(default "sys:")
(prompt #scandtoolt)
(dest (tackon destinationd "dasmodplayer"))
(settooltype "SCANDIR" @default-scandest)
(complete 100)
(message #blaahlastwords)